Città del gusto Palermo is the Cooking School of the Gambero Rosso in Palermo. It is located inside the historic Palazzo Branciforte, in the historic center of the city.
Città del gusto offers the possibility to all enthusiasts, professionals and aspiring professionals, the possibility to follow cooking classes, held by professionals, selected by the Gambero Rosso Academy.
The cooking classes are open to all and include the presence in the classroom of a teacher chef to guide the participants during the creation of original recipes. The chef will show the various steps of the recipes and will follow the participants step by step.
Each participant has a cooking station, equipped with ultra-modern instruments, to immediately put into practice the techniques learned.
As soon as the prepared dish is ready, the tasting begins with a glass of wine.
The cooking lesson turns into a place of meeting and conviviality, to get involved and to enjoy one’s passion.
The one proposed by the School ‘Città del Gusto’ is a didactic approach but at the same time, friendly.
Courses and Rates:
– Lessons on the calendar (upon reaching the number of participants), with the possibility of using an interpreter and with an additional cost: from € 45 to € 150 (depending on the lesson)
– Ad hoc cooking: from € 80 to € 250 (in effect to the number of participants)
For more information:
Website: www.gamberorosso.it/it/citta-del-gusto/palermo
Facebook page: www.facebook.com/CittaDelGustoPalermo
Instagram: www.instagram.com/cittadelgustopalermo
Chiara Pulizzotto
Mail: palermo@cittadelgusto.it
Tel: 091.640600